Student Marketing Case Study

Co-op required a student marketing agency to promote their Now Cook It campaign on campus.
What the client said:
“Working with Campus Media has meant we are able to engage with the student audience ensuring our key messages are appropriate, relevant and effective. Their calm efficiency and extensive knowledge of this very important segment has supported our marketing objectives and delivered value for money to our marketing spends.”
Marketing Manager, Co-op Food.
The Objectives:
Campus Media were challenged to plan and deploy a bespoke online and offline campaign with the aim to:
Co-op was looking for a partner to help deliver an experience to students with the aim of driving awareness of their Now Cook It partnership with cookery whizz kids and social media influencers, SORTEDfood.
Now Cook It is an initiative to make cooking more accessible for the younger generation with a fun course that teaches the basics presented by the SORTEDfood team on their YouTube channel.
The Solution:
Campus Media took a live cooking class out onto campus – talking students through how to make a shakshouka (this is an epic middle-eastern egg dish in case you were unaware!)
Campus Media worked with the SORTEDfood team to amplify digital reach and Campus Media Crew (the student brand ambassadors) gave the campaign’s presence an extra boost by being on the ground to draw students in. At the stand, students could get cooking tips and sign up to receive more recipes.
The Result:
Campus Media hit 110% of the target that was agreed with Co-op in terms of sign ups to Now Cook It. During the activity weeks, Campus Media doubled the typical activity on Instagram and Twitter to reach over 2.5 million impressions per week.